Saturday, 6 October 2007


What I don't like, not really, is Mia's story. Being the teacher of little human children in a place where there is nothing but one shop where they sell everything from saddles to eggs, and where the most fun your little brother can have is screwing the sheep, well, it's not much of a life. Yeah, it doesn't take a lot of brains to figure out that is what he's doing. And besides, Mia found his diary. She listened to it. You know, all the sheep in the farm are numbered, and marked. And Cat is doing them by numbers, starting with KB00001. Then KB00002. Then ...003. And so on. There is a list in his diary. He's planning to do them all. And there are tens of thousands of sheep on the station. And there's headmaster. And then there's uncle Aaron. Maybe Mia should have a better story. A better life.

Mia may be from Russia. She was born some years before the wall came down, and had already joined the kiddie komsomol ninjas when that happened. After she left school, she left home and left Russia, to go to Iceland, followed by Japan, then Germany, to become a mother of four.

No! Mia lives in a hut made out of cow dung. To control her avatar, she walks for one-two-three days to the village, where the Indian man has a computer.

Nah, I think Mia should return to the school on the Island of Australia.

There's no getting away from it.