Saturday, 31 May 2008


I have encountered some social setbacks lately, meeting people who no longer want to talk to me, and I have reason to believe that it's all because of the zebra thingy I spoke in my diary some time ago. Zebras appear to be a delicate subject to many. So I decided to tear some of the most sensitive stuff out of the diary. I think it was like 40 pages of very clever speaking, all in all.

When arriving to the Sanctuary last time, the host congratulated me on my rezzing day. I said thank you, Damian, but didn't really understand, because I don't know what a rezzing day is. It was quite a nice day, anyhow, with dancing and music, until there was a sudden blackout. I haven't had many of those lately, so I won't complain.

Now, I'm still waiting for my first birthday. I sometimes compare the symbols in my profile with those that say which day it is, but they still don't look the same. It's OK, I'm in no big hurry.

Monday, 26 May 2008


I was really looking forward to the wedding, and decided to wear something that appears nice to people. Not what I usually wear. Not what Mia thinks makes me look like trash. Something dressy. I didn't have to shop much, but soon found a kind of dress that I liked, and that was cheap, and that looked dressy to me. But not to others, obviously. When showing it off to some of the others, they said I looked like dressed-up trash.

So I went shopping again. It took me a while, as I hadn't got a clue what to look for, as I began believing that I really do have a trashy taste. But finally I bought a dress that I thought was quite uncharming, deciding that was a probably a clever way of choosing. Then I went to show it to the others.

They said it lacked charm. And:

"btw, serval, u cant wear red 2 weddings, means ur a harlot"

I went shopping again. And returned. And:

"u cant wear white, its 4 the bride only"

And again. And again:

"black means ur objecting 2 the wedding"

And. And:

"u must wear shoulder straps not 2 b slutty"

All of a sudden there was this IM asking if I was going to come today. It was the big day already! And I had not even started speaking my speach yet. And they asked if they should TP me there! And I was not ready, I was nor prepared, I was not even dressed!

Deciding against the speach, and opting for a congrats card instead, I spoke it while searching through my inventory for wedding wear. I began with a classic quote, originally spoken by I don't know who, but I said it had been my grandfather:

"Oh Long John!
Ooooh Long Johnson!
Let there be peace!
Let there be, cough, cough, love, sniffle!
Let there be prosperity!
And let there be no buggering around with southern pansies, taxmen, or Turkish keepers of bazaar stalls.
Oh, lads will always be lads, of course, but just look at that lassie of yours, eh!
Look at her!
That's my boy!
Now only buy ecological bananas, and switch lights off once past forty.
Any further advice on this joyous day come at three a pint.
Hoooray my boy! And godspeed, lassie."

Then I lost myself in trying to speak the little ♥ hearts, which I couldn't, and from there on the card turned a babble in a big rush. I threw the last clothes on a moment before teleporting, and arrived to the wedding wearing black, no shoulder straps, a mini skirt, and the shoes of a street-walker.

This is where Part I ends. Here follows Part II:

It was a great wedding! It was for m3 and Patricia from the Sanctuary. There were ceremonies and cakes and dances. And after that a party, with more dancing, glasses of champagne and music that I liked better than the one right after the wedding. Whooo, nice!

Now there is this feeling. A special after-the-wedding feeling, which I haven't felt before. I wonder if it's Mia feeling for me again, like when she wasn't allright before? But this time it's a good feeling. It's not the feeling-happy-and sobbing-a-bit feeling that I was told to expect. (Of course I'm happy for them, for being happy and having such a nice day, and a party!) And it's not the me-too feeling I was also told to expect. (Which I haven't felt.)

It's a kind of belonging feeling. From being there with them. All of the others.

Sunday, 11 May 2008


Like a minute after finishing my last diary entry, I got an ... (suspense) ... invitation! To a wedding! I love weddings! I hope. I haven't been to many. At all. Yet. It will be great fun, though. It's the 25th. Whenever that is. I hope they'll come and get me when it's time. I don't want to miss it.


No one spoke to me again. Not even my friends. No one. I was thinking about having a birthday party, my first one, because it will be my first birthday, but no, I don't think anyone would like to come. Or mayby they would come, only to eat their slice of cake in silence, and leave unnoticeably without a word once finished. I think it may be the zebra thing. It may have scared them off. They probably don't like it when the stupids turn clever, not even when it's highly temporarily.

Hey, guys, it wasn't me! I never spoke that. How could I have? I gave some avatar a million lindens and a blowjob, and he gave the zebra thingy to me, all ready and done. All I had to do was speaking it into my diary. Which was hard enough fo me.

Or whatever.

They told me, during those olden days when they still told me things, that my birthday was coming up soon. After trying to tell me about dates, they ended up saying that I should look in my profile for my birthday symbols, and compare them with today's. When they are the same, all the symbols, then it's my birthday. I'll be one year. They say.