Monday, 20 April 2009


I went to the new club where all the nice girls are now, now after the spotted one is no more. Wow, wasn't it fun! Those friends I haven't seen for such a long time were all there, dancing, having a good time. I had so many IM boxes open that I almost had no fingers left when counting them. Which was a bit of a problem, because I didn't want to make those mistakes that I've done oh so many times before, speaking into the wrong box and ending up saying seemingly and absolutely incomprehensible things. By mistake I once even spoke of sports in the public chat, and then had to beg on my knees not to be banned from that particular club forever. I couldn't go there for a while anyhow. Of course not. Not after that. When I finally did go, the others seemed to have forgotten. Or maybe they were just being nice to me, pretending I had never said those horrid things. So tonight I was careful to speak in the proper boxes only. It took a lot of self-control. Which I lost just like that when Fishie showed up all of a sudden, and I ended up just blabbering and saying things without thinking. But I don't think she minds. Or the others either, btw. They probably know by now I'm not there to explain the mysteries of the worlds. I've had them explained to me, though, by many different avatars. There seems to be several explanations. But I don't even remember one.