Sunday, 26 April 2009


Fishie has this club called the Fishbowl, where I go quite a lot nowadays. I go there to see if she's there, of course, and to dance, meet some of the others and so on. It's a nice place.

Now, one of her friends has a club of her own, where I've also been. There's a DJ, a hostess and dancers, so it's very ambitious. And nice, that club too. Yet another friend is building a new club, and showed it to us last night. It's good. Really good.

So it seems like eveyone has a club of her own. Except for me. So maybe I should have one, too? That's what I thought, at least, until I realized it's gonna cost a lot, and I don't even know how many lindens I've got. So owning clubs is probably not for me. But it was fun, up until then, to imagine what my club should be like. Not that I got very far planning. I got to the name, trying to come up with a really, really good one. I settled for... Club Serval. Of course. But when checking (you see, I'm not plain stupid) I discovered that name is already taken. By some kind of furries club, I think. If you don't know, furries are avatars that don't look like avatars, but dress up in animal skins because they want to have sex. I don't quite get that, because avis looking avi also want to have sex. Which hasn't passed unnoticed. But why furries go all hairy for it is unclear. Anyhow, i concluded that going for a name such as Club Serval wouldn't be such a good idea after all, and that's where I started losing interest. Luckily I came up with the linden reason, too, so that I can drop the club thing without appearing prejudiced.

However, all that thinking got me a little bit interested in finding out why there's a thrill in dressing like an animal. So I went on a quest.

First I met the liejohness. She was quite reserved an animal, saying close to nothing, and not reacting to me stroking her back. All she really did was moving away, every time I tried to get close enough to start a conversation. Very little was said. She was big, but neither interesting, intrigueing or exciting. She was, in brief, boring. Not one to go to clubs to meet.

Next I went up into the treetops to meet a monkey. Now, this was something completely different. This monkey was capable of lots of talking. Babbling. Chattering. No end. Obviously she had a lot of things to get off her chest. It was quite nice connecting with her. But to be frank, I myself wouldn't go to clubs too see other avis looking like her. Monkey furries probably wouldn't rate as #1 turn-ons to me.

The next one I saw had much better looks. Servals are spotted cats, so any avi named after them probably has a soft spot for other spots. Like I have. The leopard was really good looking. That's the way to dress. And you know, I do have jammieses with a leopard pattern. They have a bum flap that can be either open or closed. Now, despite me liking the general leopard look, I found the leopard stance slightly intimidating. Makes you feel you're gonna get eaten any moment, and I think that would make me stay away from such furries. Oh, I've been around here in SL long enough to have heard enough jokes about the eating part. I don't see what's funny in there, though. But you don't have to IM me after hearing this part of my diary, because I've already heard the joke.

So I went on to see the elephant. I really wanted to see mrs E, but couldn't find her around and so went looking for her bf instead. But I never spoke to him. I quickly dropped that plan when seeing him from some distance. I mean, I have seen lots of avi guys trotting about with 2 foot object willies attached to their pelvises, and thinking that was rediculous. No avi, furry or not, would look at mr E without thinking a lot about self-preservation.

My quest finally brought me to that part of the savannah where the giraffes like to hang. They are said to have very long tongues, and figuring from what the others have told me, all of them having lots of fun about it, a good long tongue would be a true asset under certain circumstances. I had also been told that giraffes are tall, long-legged and long-necked, which sounded attractive enough to me. But hey, they didn't warn me about what I was about to see. Oh no. There's probably a ban on giraffes in any decent club. Just imagine the kind of straws required for their pina coladas. And meeting a giraffe furry in a club would probably mean not meeting her at all, because you wouldn't ever see her – being a giraffe is as remote and secluded as an avi in a skybox.

So, to sum this up, I'll settle with being named after an animal. That's ok. I like my name. But I don't think I'll try to look like one. Oh, yes, well, but they are just neko ears, and they are just for fun, aren't they, right?