I guess being talked to by strangers is part of being an avatar. It's how you meet new avatars, and new friends. To me, that's important, because I keep doing or saying stupid things that put friends of mine off, and they keep removing me from their friends list. So I have to meet new friends, or my own friends list will go empty and I'll be discontinued. I don't want that to happen, and I'm therefore open to being spoken to.
I don't mind being spoken to by guy avatars, because some of them are nice or fun, sometimes both. Some look good, too. But it happens again and again that a guy that starts talking with me very suddenly stops, and starts talking to me instead. At me. Directing his words towards me, but not listening for what comes back. If anything. And it's often nothing, because these guys often do almost the same thing.
Guy: "hey hun u look great!!!"
Me: "ty"
Guy: "mmm"
Me, seeing what's coming:
Guy, after 10 seconds: "wow what i c is soo hot!"
Guy, after 10 more seconds: "mmmmm"
Guy, after a minute: "mmmmmmmmmmmm"
Why do they do this?
When they do like that, I don't get to know them the slightest. If they want to talk with me, they should say something that's interesting. Otherwise, what can I reply to "mmmmm"? Oh, I know, I can say "your mmmm makes me so hot, let's go find pink and blue poseballs". But is he really expecting me to do that, after not catching my interest the slightest? I think that's ever so stupid. Say me a poem. Tell me of a nice place in the world. Say that you like my style of clothes, and why. Or anything but "mmmmmmmmm". To me, that is the theme song of an idiot.
Oh, most of these guys respect when I tell them that I don't want to play. But why do I have to tell them first place?
I know that this is all about sex. I'm not good at that, but I know that much. But do the mmm guys expect me to be interested in having sex with them, when they can't even make me interested in talking to them?
Mia said that she needs a lot of trust before she wants to sleep with a guy. I don't see why I should ever want to, but if I should, I think I would like to know him enough to like him first. Then those other things should be ok, if he really wanted to.
I think I'm beginning to understand what Mia meant with all that speaking about songs and trust, some time ago. Those humans are a bit like us avatars, really.