Wednesday, 2 September 2009


Someone IMed me wondering how come I don't blubber my eyes out here in my diary because of Fishie. And called me a callous bitchwitch that deserves to, and most likely will, burn at the stake. That last bit gave the sender away: Horrid Little Man. Arbiter ethicum. Who keeps IMing me a lot, doesn't he. I wonder if he's in love with me, or just genuinely dislikes me and truly wants to see me fry.

At some point such a long time ago my puppet Mia predicted that cold black winds would fill our heart with nothing again. That was regarding the breaking up with Fishie, which already then seemed inevitable. It was to come. There were dark clouds on the horizon. It was to come because of that kind of stuff. And eventually the thunderstorm came. Although it wasn't that stormy, and there wasn't much thunder. Still, it got me all wet. But as I had gazed into the crystal ball I knew it was to come. I was prepared. I had my towel and kleenex ready. I just didn't wring them out in my diary. Then where did I wring them? Did I wring them? Not here. Why not? Cmon why? Well. I was inspired by the angel. Not to. I like Fishie. I respect Fishie. What more can I say without not.

Horrid Man also sent another IM saying I'm inconsistent. Up until recently I have been ignorant of First Life countries, he says, and now all of a sudden I know lots of things about places such as News Eland. For example, I know about hobbits and stuff. That's inconsistent. So I'm a fake. And faking it is one of the seven immoral sins, he says. So I'm screwed. Each one of them condemns your soul to hell.

The full list of the seven, he says, is:
1. Being screwed.
2. Faking.
3. Diking.
4. Witching.
5. Blinging.
6. Diarying.

And, once he got to know I have been dancing again, he added an eighth:

7. Flexing.

I told him I don't do that when dancing. Rather, that's him visualizing me. Upon which he replied:

8. Visualizing. (Which I [Horrid Little Man] of course don't do.)

The exchange of IMs that followed added the following to the list:

9. Being cheeky.
10. Resisting auto-da-fés.
11. Using fire extinguishers.
12. Peeing in public.

By the time I'm speaking this, there are more immoral sins than tops in my inventory. As he has not yet included "threatening with a black cat" I guess that's what I'll have to resort to again.

All in all some 15 IMs in a day. Oh the love!