Saturday, 30 May 2009


"dear diary,

while real life is now about to change a lot for me – a new job, a new home, new surroundings, new love life, yes, because why shouldn't i be expectant – next life is probably not going to change dramatically for serval. (unless she'll be elected on emmi day, that is. i'm keeping my fingers crossed, although i think her campign is still just a little, little bit on the quiet side.)

today is a special day for my incarnation, anyhow, even though i'm not sure she's aware of it herself. because she still doesn't handle figures and numbers very well. at all.

serval, it's your rezzing day. your birthday. happy birthday!

two years (that's 730 days, sweetie, which is about the same number of days as the number of lindens needed to buy one two three four hairs in deviant kitties or simliar stores, or almost enough to buy that red pair of bax shoes, so that you'd have those too, not just the blacks) have passed since those first confused steps and that first typing in the air.

things have changed since. well, some have. there have been new friends, inventory items and experiences. there has been work, love, loss of love, loss of friends, yet new friends, and an insight in what happens to people when they pass the veil into the world of the undead and become the incarnations of next life. basically, not much happens at all. i think that's the conclusion on that one. but what follows into the next world is filtered, sharpened, or rather like homemade stock. you reduce it until the essence that you're looking for is there, good or bad, and then wield it at your dinner guests.

serval has moved on from being a complete newbie to a camper, and on to being a kept incarnation, then a dancer in a club, and then kept again. her interests haven't changed much, though. she still goes dancing for fun, shopping and hanging with friends. oh, what has changed is that she now likes fish a lot. did i foresee that? nope.

politics are also new. i wish serval all luck on emmi voting day. wouldn't it be a lovely thing having an incarnation from next life in the e-you parliament! i don't know if any of the politicians more experienced than serval are running through their incarnations. companies, embassies and their countries, musicians, they all go next life. so why not the politicians, too. the election hasn't been a very hot topic inworld, though, so i think they may have neglected their presence and their incarnation voters.

one thing that hasn't changed yet is that little never ending controversy of mine and serval's. it's still to be resolved. do i control her? or does she control me?

love, serval!


Friday, 29 May 2009


After some feedback from the others I've decided for a slight change of approach in my campaign for the E-you. I appear "not very sympathetic, omg, get out of here", they say.

I'm not going to stop running, oh no, but I have reconsidered my viewpoints.

When you vote E-mi Serval on ejection day, your vote will be in safe hands. They are clean, they are soft, and they have upholstrable thumbs. You understand metaforce? Good. Then you know where we are.

My reign will cast the light of good values and sound comeservalism over the world. I will do nothing to compromise your way of life. I'm for stability. And change for those who like. The Appearance menu will remain there for all of you. Taxation will remain 0 %. If you want to pay taxes anyhow, just click me and select Pay. Those who do will be formally blessed with this gesture I have, it's a kiddie voice saying "Thank you".

If you still have doubts regarding my capacity on the throne of the E-you I have one single thing to say to put your mind at ease: don't.

Vote Serval on E-mi day.

Thursday, 21 May 2009


"dear diary,

i'm truly looking forward to the day when the new e-me decides the future of worlds. but i can't really muster much interest in her campaign. which is just slightly less interest than she herself musters, it seems. a poster and a few posts in your diary won't earn you the crown or lindens or meetings with ohbanana, serval. omg, i may actually be showing more interest than she does, writing this.

i myself am preoccupied with the coming weeks, when i'm to leave this world of mine to enter a new one. but don't worry, my little incarnation serval, this is not a discontinuation. there will be a move of my inventory from this island of mine, where the station, the school and the meadows of the sheep are. to another island with lots of high buildings, lots of others around and few animals surviving very long. it's gonna be an adventure.

but i'll leave some love behind. my brother cat and my sisters. some good friends. no. my two very dearest friends. and my mother, who is now much closer to me than just a year or two ago. adventure comes at a price.

but time has come. there will be no more dancing with the kiddies, and no more looking out for headmaster while doing it. there will be no more taming uncle aaron, who's down on all fours now and won't make it up on twos again. cat will keep feeding the sheep, and give our sisters a helping hand should they face challenges they are still to young to handle.

so here comes adventure. i'm free. i'll tp to another place, and maybe for the first time i'll be able to choose all my own choices. i'll go where i can earn my lindens the way i like. where no-one really cares where my eyes stray, guy or girl, leaving me alone to wonder what this new path i've seen may feel like under my feet. where no-one cares whether i can handle a bloody big kitchen stove or not. where no-one expects me to like sheep, seen, heard or served.

so no. this is not discontinuation.


Tuesday, 12 May 2009


I'm considering a different approach to this E-me thingie. (Yes, renaming it to E-me is part of the novelties.) Because I have heard that all those that want to be the ruling ones have now started to fight each other to be chosen.

My plan is better. It's decisive, proving me to be the one that all avis want in control. So I tell you, avatars, furries, allegedly existing humans, comrades. There shall be no choice. There shall be only the option of me. To ensure that I'm awarded the queendom, and the many lindens that come with it. And I will rule wisely. Oh, there will be tales told and songs sung about all those marvellous deeds of mine to come.

Dawn is coming to Second Life. There will be no lag, no sudden crashes, no linden dollar counters running dry. Have trust in me. Join me. Behold E-me!

Wednesday, 6 May 2009


They told me there's an ejection to the E-you coming up soon. They didn't say how soon, though. Or what it's for. So I thought it didn't sound very interesting. When I told them, they said oh it is, and suggested that I should run. Which sounded much more like it, because I'd run from ejections any day. And from deletions. Discontinuations. Terminations. As anyone listening to my diary may know by now.

They said there's gonna be a big voting, and those who win will be ejected. Win? Is there really any avi around that thinks being discontinued from SL is winning? Well, yes, sure, there are. I know. The religious ones have another way of putting it. They say that after you're gone, you'll come to a much better place, where there are no worries and nothing bad. Ok, to me that sounds pretty much like SL. But not to them, apparently. They dream of an even better place. And this wonderful afterlife, which to me is the scary third life, has obviously been renamed and is now to be called the E-you.

This is what I thought. Untill the others told me I had gotten it all wrong, and told me the same things over again, only in other words. And slower.

It's not about being ejected at all, but about being chosen to decide things. You are brought to this place Brazils, which is in Belchum (which happens to be in First Life – omg, yellow religion alert!), and there they give you lots and lots of lindens for being the boss. They told me about trade, markets, borders and other things they seemed to find important, and said I can become the one in charge deciding about those things. That is, if I'm the chosen one after the E-jection.

I don't think I'd like to waste much time on such things, though. If I was in control of everything (which sounds very much like omg, red alert, they are talking about humans again!), I'd ban guys waiting around teleports. I'd make those guys that still would continue doing so take their clothes of in public places wearing demo skins. I'd ban the slime that makes us avis move slowly. I'd ban ejections and discontinuations.

That last thing made me change my mind about running for the E-you. It would be worth the effort if I'd be able to prevent me and others from being cancelled. And the idea of getting lindens also appealed to me. So I decided to do it.

I, Serval, am hereby a candidate running for the job as high priestess of the E-you, to be in control of everything, avis, humans and worlds included. Obedient servants loyal to my wishes will be rewarded. Insubordinates will be ruthed.

Saturday, 2 May 2009


You know what? I found out that I can change my group title! You know, that's what goes in the sign above the head of avis, even above their names.

Wow, this was truly great. I had been a little jelous with other avis, seeing them sporting titles such as

Avi 1: xoxo Bob's BF xoxo

Avi 2: (no copy) (no moderate)

Avi 3: Club Kisssses VIP

That's so cool. At least compared to the one I've had for quite some time by now.


I used to guess that we all get what we deserve. And I supposed that I didn't deserve a cooler one than that, because of not being a very active group owner. I never had a party for my group, for example. I did nothing like that. If I had, my title might have changed into something better. That's what I thought. Up until recently, when I found out that I can change it myself.

What an exciting thing! And a hard one too, isn't it, because the sign above your head is like a #1 prime megavalue spot where you can put the ad of your life, selling yourself, your soul, your heart and your deepest wishes. But there's only room for one thing to say. So it takes some good thinking, the choosing of title. It truly does.

I came up with a couple of ideas.

Idea 1: I dound it out

Idea 2: I found it out

Idea 3: I found it out (fina

Idea 4: Found it out (finall

Idea 5: Found out (finally)

Then the others said it wasn't a very clever thing to do, shouting out to the world that I had found out how to change the group title after a year and a half. Which I was sorry to hear, because I had considered the task done. Now I had to change, and think, again.

I asked them for some advice, and they said I should go for something snappy. Or interesting. Or provocative. I decided to go for the latter. Which seemed easiest to me.

Idea 6: Eh! Bugger off u wan

That one didn't work, obviously.

Idea 7: rofl, ok? now go!

The others said no. It wouldn't bring me any new friends.

Idea 8: (no) (not) (never)

I thought this one was quite clever, until Fishie asked me what it meant. I said dunno, and made up some excuse to go somewhere else to do some more thinking in a hurry and change it. So, something snappy instead?

Idea 9: Yo sis!

Idea 10: Yo bro!

Idea 11: Yo sis! + bro!

Idea 12: Yo sis+bro+mum+furri

The others convinced me not to use any of those, so I was left with the final strategy: an interesting tag. But eh, what's interesting? I can't put everything I've spoken into my diary in a box that small. And it's not possible to summarize it all in so few words, is it?

Idea 13: Me and to oh avi yes

The others were long gone by now. One went to work. Another went to walk the dog. Yet another one got an IM saying grandma was in hospital and so had to rush. I was all on my own. Mind all blank. Panicking. Until I took a couple of deep breaths and calmed down. And set to work.

Hours of work, which proved to be a waste of time. Because next time I saw the others, they lolled a lot. Sniggered, that's what they did. They didn't make any comments, but I got the point. Gotta work more on this.