I'm considering a different approach to this E-me thingie. (Yes, renaming it to E-me is part of the novelties.) Because I have heard that all those that want to be the ruling ones have now started to fight each other to be chosen.
My plan is better. It's decisive, proving me to be the one that all avis want in control. So I tell you, avatars, furries, allegedly existing humans, comrades. There shall be no choice. There shall be only the option of me. To ensure that I'm awarded the queendom, and the many lindens that come with it. And I will rule wisely. Oh, there will be tales told and songs sung about all those marvellous deeds of mine to come.
Dawn is coming to Second Life. There will be no lag, no sudden crashes, no linden dollar counters running dry. Have trust in me. Join me. Behold E-me!