Wednesday, 6 May 2009


They told me there's an ejection to the E-you coming up soon. They didn't say how soon, though. Or what it's for. So I thought it didn't sound very interesting. When I told them, they said oh it is, and suggested that I should run. Which sounded much more like it, because I'd run from ejections any day. And from deletions. Discontinuations. Terminations. As anyone listening to my diary may know by now.

They said there's gonna be a big voting, and those who win will be ejected. Win? Is there really any avi around that thinks being discontinued from SL is winning? Well, yes, sure, there are. I know. The religious ones have another way of putting it. They say that after you're gone, you'll come to a much better place, where there are no worries and nothing bad. Ok, to me that sounds pretty much like SL. But not to them, apparently. They dream of an even better place. And this wonderful afterlife, which to me is the scary third life, has obviously been renamed and is now to be called the E-you.

This is what I thought. Untill the others told me I had gotten it all wrong, and told me the same things over again, only in other words. And slower.

It's not about being ejected at all, but about being chosen to decide things. You are brought to this place Brazils, which is in Belchum (which happens to be in First Life – omg, yellow religion alert!), and there they give you lots and lots of lindens for being the boss. They told me about trade, markets, borders and other things they seemed to find important, and said I can become the one in charge deciding about those things. That is, if I'm the chosen one after the E-jection.

I don't think I'd like to waste much time on such things, though. If I was in control of everything (which sounds very much like omg, red alert, they are talking about humans again!), I'd ban guys waiting around teleports. I'd make those guys that still would continue doing so take their clothes of in public places wearing demo skins. I'd ban the slime that makes us avis move slowly. I'd ban ejections and discontinuations.

That last thing made me change my mind about running for the E-you. It would be worth the effort if I'd be able to prevent me and others from being cancelled. And the idea of getting lindens also appealed to me. So I decided to do it.

I, Serval, am hereby a candidate running for the job as high priestess of the E-you, to be in control of everything, avis, humans and worlds included. Obedient servants loyal to my wishes will be rewarded. Insubordinates will be ruthed.