Saturday, 30 June 2007


I can feel no difference wearing clothes and not. Still it seems important when to wear. In some places I go they threaten to file complaints if you don't dress a lot. In other places it's the opposite.

"why u dressed eh its nude beach"

It's just one of those things you have to learn. It may make no sense, but I have to remember. Clothes here, no clothes there. Anyhow, I think I'll avoid the nude beach from now on. There you undress, and there we go, you have to go, because here come the groupers.

"hi hun"

"u look hot"

"got no big boobs in da store?"

So do dress and do dressy places. I dressed well.

"looks like a lampshade", they said when I walked past them.

There seem to be rules that I don't get. All avatars don't seem to be the same. They look different, of course. All avatars are different some way or another. What I mean is that some of them seem to follow some rules I don't know.

"i dont speak 2 ur kind", she said. "skin cheap"

Are they just rules, or are they morals?

(And why, oh why, whould you ever want to shade a lamp? Just take it away if you don't want the light.)