Saturday, 21 July 2007


And hey, where's my group? It's gone, was taken away from me while I was sleeping. It's not there any more. They say it was deleted (no, I don't like that word at all) because it had too few members. It's a rule, another rule, groups must have members. So those avatars who delete groups really expected me to get members to a group named Born to be Britney? To get any members at all? One single? Those guys can't be very clever.

They probably don't understand how much time I had spent on the dance pad to buy the group. And, to be honest, I don't really fancy the pad anymore. Not after discovering the dance club, were everyone goes just to have fun.

Now, once more, I've spent a long, long time on the pad to buy a new group. I know I have enough Lindens, because the Linden counter turned one symbol extra, and that's what I need. If there is a symbol for each finger on a hand, then I have enough. The problem is, I need members, or the new group will be deleted too. I think I'll ask the avatars at the club to join. I'll dance for them, stark naked, on top of the piggy sploder if only they help me keep my group.

It's not a very good plan. Then they can make me dance the sploder every night, or they'll leave the group. You see, I'm not stupid.