You know that servals are cats. I think they looked like most cats in the beginning, but then changed into long legs and a perfect little tail because it looked so good. And those large ears... well, the servals originally didn't get them because of looks only. There's a story behind it, too. It's about this day when the serval met the bat-eared fox.
"lol u got redickuelusslee tienee ears, hun", Bat-Eared Fox said.
"omg, look at yours", said the serval, staring at the enormous ears of the fox.
"deyr goodd!"
"eye say whee goe 2 prywate tchat nao", said Bat-Eared Fox.
And only seconds later, Bat-Eared Fox sent the serval an IM:
"dere r 3 nju liejohns come 2 da savannah. eye see dem. dey big mails, dey reely youch n scaree"
"omg :(", the serval replied.
"u cood knead dem earses bigga, soe u'd heer wat da liejohns say n doo from da grayt disdance. eye donn dat, n dis wat dey say:"
"us gonna fuck everee lil pusy in da savannah ere, sayd da firs liejohns"
"lol, say da seckend liejohns"
"rofl, say da thurd liejohns"
"omg", the serval replied.
"yea, dat rofl was scaree. reely scaree"
The serval agreed that Bat-Eared Fox had a good point, and used the Appearance menu to radically change the size of her ears. Then she took a snapshot of herself, and blushed when looking at it, because she had never seen such a weird cat before.
"omg", she said.
But the serval got used to those looks eventually, and from that point she became a good listener. She was really bright, too, btw. And the lions never shagged her.
I think that's a very good story with quite some moral to it. So I don't mind at all being named after the serval.