(There have been some complaints on Serval Art Week.
The first one is from a school. It says that exhibitions like this one are a source of disappointment to the children, who in this particular case were searching the net for servals. And there are no servals in this exhibition of serval art.
I replied to them I was sorry to hear that. But what I really think is the following. It isn't very clever, is it, to search for cats in a net? Searching for fish would have been reasonable, or searching for avatar girls moving in long steps on a stage in front of avatar guys. But cats are not to be found in nets. Oh, there are the nekos, of course, but you'd be much more likely to find them if searching bright colours and skirts. Now, all this only reinforces my suspicions regarding the mental capacity of children. The schools obviously don't improve it much.
The other complaint said this is not art. Rather, it's an abomination, and should better be discontinued or I'll make an even bigger fool out of myself.
To this I replied that I was ever so sorry to hear that. As an act of goodwill I offered a reduced price. There has been no reply to that yet, but i think it is a good strategy that may work. I wouldn't mind the lindens.)