Sunday, 5 July 2009


I have to admit that I'm a little bit confused. Who did that? I mean, who spoke that into my diary? It's not Mia, because she doesn't speak any more, I think. Because her voice is now mine. So who?

And what about those things said... humans, First Life an all? I dunno what to think of that.

Then, too, I got this IM from someone unknown saying that I always dress extremely casual (a slight variation on the trash theme of Mia's, but once again, it can't be her, can it) and that I would benefit from dressing up, not least as to footwear.

Unknown: "shame 2 c a qte hun like u not in heels, omg ud be so 6y!!!!! show it 2 me!!!!"

At first I found that message quite strange, until remembering the "I WILL SEND YOU AN ANGEL TO GUIDE YOU". (Sorry about the noise level.) Is this the angel? I've seen some avis called Angel, and oc seen a lot of angels around in Angels & Demons events. But I don't really know how they are supposed to speak or what they say. Maybe this unknown avi is the one, the angel sent to me. To guide me. Starting the guiding this way, telling me I should wear heels. I suppose it could be. An angel sending IMs to make me better and more interesting and attractive, perhaps? I could do with that.

Ok, I have some problems with these god, angel, First Life etc matters. But I have sort of half accepted now that there is a First Life. Of which I know nothing really. The religion. But what if this unknown is the angel and means to help me understand? To show me the truth? Can I chuck such a helping hand away? Am I not better safe that sorry? Shouldn't I just play along?

I am better safe than sorry. So let there be heels. I've heard of heeling before in religious contexts, so this may be the first step. An unfamiliar, staggering step, I admit, because I rarely wear them. But I do have them in my inventory. So I'll show.

And btw, I am not looping endlessly, tyvm!