Friday, 17 July 2009


"oh, i know i've been neglecting sl friends, and still am. and letting some down, especially those ones that are truly important. it's hard keeping up good friendships when you don't give them the time required and deserved.

rl, or the first world of mia's, has attractions that the next world just can't match. and during the present season, when nights are just brief moments and the days endlessly long, and when the whole world that has been crouching in the cold darkness for ages all of a sudden has gone high on sunshine and endorphines, lush, blossoming, warm, well, that's when the sl bikini seems such a silly thing compared to the rl one. here, on the island of australia where serval placed mia, which btw wasn't quite correct, but you can't expect such a poor pet avi to get everything right, can you, summer means not clicking the sl icon, but switching off the computer and getting the hell out of indoors as much as you can.

(i was gonna put some pictures of mine here, showing a sailing boat in sunshine just off the coast, fresh cool water splashing on a rock a hot and sunny day, and a forest lake seen glittering through a curtain of foreground trees. but i won't, leaving the photography to serval only. but you may get the picture anyhow.)

thus time to spend on friends is limited. it's very limited. there is a choice, of course. being devoted to sl or not. i'm obviously not. because i can obviously live without it. and live quite well, enjoying myself tremendously and doing so both in and out of the city, in and out of the water, in and out of the light summer clothes, whites, oh so much white. and hey, what happens to my skin? it's sort of turning brownish. gonna logon next thing? i don't think so.

i should hate myself for neglecting my inworld friends, but i just can't. the warm sun on my skin, the outdoor cafés full of people, ice creams melting and dripping on my hand, lush parks and that forest lake in the picture you won't see, they make me a bad friend. i'm sorry. but i won't change. it's the season of rl.

then there is the new job and new hours, a new place to stay and live, a big city, new people that i've met and some old too. everything has changed. can't logon. won't. gotta live.
