Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Nurse etc

The others say I'm becoming more and more nurseycystic in my diary. I know them well by now and know that they enjoy using complicated expressions that I don't understand and that make me feel stupid and small, especially when it happens over and over again. And here's yet another one. I have no idea what they mean. Sure, I've been dressing as a nurse in events a few times (and once even as a patient, all wrapped in bandages and plaster), but I have never mentioned that in my diary, have I, and there are no pictures of me as a nurse, are there? No, I've focused on speaking about important things that have happened to me and on showing many pictures of normal me. And the cysticism beats me too. They probably invented that word only to have a good laugh at me trying to figure out wth they meant by saying so. I wish that angel had been here already to guide me through these vocabulary problems. I wonder what's keeping it, why it's not here yet.