Sunday, 26 July 2009

One day

"what if i was to bring serval to first life. just for one day. to show her around. to show her those things that the others have been talking so much about. to show her humans.

yes, serval, you've been thinking a lot about those things. the ones you could probably call existential. coming here, you'd get some of the answers right away, you'd see them with your own eyes. others might have to be told. which isn't much of a problem, because that's what i'm here for. your angel. although i'm not sure this is the way it was meant to be done when i was handed your file. i think, rather, that i was meant to go see you in your world.

now, it's kind of a risky thing to do, isn't it. what if serval really, really likes it here, and don't want to go back. well, that's probably hypothetical, because we all want to go back to where we belong, don't we. at the end of the day, we all want to go home. and still, if i'm wrong, wouldn't it be worth it, anyhow?

you'd love to go to a first life club. all the people, all the loud music, the dance floor. i don't dance much myself, but i can hang in the bar while you do. i wouldn't mind a drinkie. i'd bring you to a lake, too, or to the sea, it's not very far. there are sensations to bathing that you can probably not imagine. floating. being immersed in coolish stuff that you can feel on your skin. getting wet and sand sticking to your feet. we'd go to a forest or a park, just to smell the air. and we'd have ice cream.

wouldn't you like that. just for one day.

