He didn't like the meadows. I'm speaking of Eddiethor, oc. He didn't like it at all, but just looked at me, shook his head, looked even more, and muttered "discon"... By then, I was already out of there.
When speaking to the others about the glamoer, they had two suggestions on what kind of snapshotting Eddiethor is expecting.
The first one is the classy one that makes minds stray to dreams of city night lights, caseanoes, cocktail glasses, silky evening gowns, heaps of treasure to be spent, and nice and expensive necklaces, like pearly or golden ones.
The other one is more or less the kind I already found myself, where launcheree and updone hairdoes are accessories to expensive skins, really really expensive ones that deserve to be displayed in quantities and from many different angles. "You've got any such pics?" they asked and, if so, offered to help me evaluate them, to see if they were nice enough for bubblishing.
I decided to go for the former type of glam, at least for starters. The James Pond kind. Night lights. Me. A huge and glowing golden inflatable sheep. Yes, wtg, Serval!