Yesss! Eddiethor liked my winter theme idea and decided to go for it, and save the glamoer for Janueary! He even called me clever for coming up with it. Clever. Clever! No one ever did that before. I kissed him then and there. Or rather tried to, but he declined the invitation from my HUD. I think maybe he's from News Eland.
Now, he didn't fancy my actual snapshot very much, but said it has to be improved. And done all over again. Only better. That's fine with me. I don't care after such a compliment. I think that was my first compliment ever. Apart from the mmmmm's, which aren't really compliments buth rather pavlovan sound reactions meaning "you don't have male shape". I think it would also do as a reaction to the actual pavlova. I'm not quite sure. I know the taste of tea, hambugger and ice cream, but I've never tried anything with meringue in it.
Now Eddiethor is gonna IM instructions to me for my winter theme cover cat snapshotting. I'm so excited, it's gonna be so much fun! I really can't wait.