Following what I last spoke into my diary, some IM's I have received suggest ways to fulfil the requisites for glamoer snapshots. Thank you. However, I'm not quite sure where this diary is actually kept, whether it's in a PG sim or not. Because if it is, I can't do most of those things suggested. It's a shame that such creativeness should come to nothing. But I have learnt by now not to upset sim owners, as they have the power to eject, no no no no. I liked that idea that included the bunny ears, though, that would have been a good one. And a glamoerus one, too, of course. I remember Fishie wearing bunny ears once, and she looked eves so cute.
Instead I decided to go for a romantic pastoral PG theme. I liked the idea of doing so, not least as those kiwi guys from News Eland haven't been too pleased with what I said about them in a previous diary speech, and this shot might put things straight again. Oh, I don't expect the kiwi fruits to go straight, not from a snapshot of me (especially as I didn't do any 86's or 89'ers), but it may remind them of home, I hope, and make them less homesick. Which isn't a bad thing in these days when everybody seems to be looking forward to going home for Chris Must. Which I don't think the kiwis will do, because there is nothing left there any more except for hobbits, and you can see those in movies and save yourself the jet lag. I have learnt by now that "lag" is another word for invisible slime, which is an awfully annoying thing, and experiencing it jet force can be nothing short of horrible.
Then, is this new theme glamoer? Well, I myself can actually see (or at least trace a faint hint of, which should be good enough) a kind of romantic glamoer in there. The richness of the lush grassland. The golden sunlight. The fat inflatable sheep. It's all there. A whisper of wealth. A subtle promise of carnal gratification. I'm sure this snapshot is gonna do.