Wednesday, 23 December 2009


The angel told me she was gonna go jetlagging, too, like all the others, and that means I'm gonna sleep for a day or two or three. Fine with me. Who cares. From my experience, sleeping a day or a million makes no difference. It feels exactly the same.

"Marry Chris must", she said, the angel. I dunno if that means she's already had some of the toddy, because that didn't come out right, did it? "Must marry Chris!" seems more like it, but hey, that sounds more than a little desperate to me. Don't jetlag home and marry that chap (who's completely unheard of up until now) just because of desperation, pls. Like, because of urges. Because of some momentary attraction just because he can do the trick (unless he has too much toddy). You know, angel, you've got that nice little buzzing object. Oh yes, you have. It can't only save you the desperation, but also saves you a lot of marrying. No more toddy until you're done, do you hear me. Forget about Chris. You don't really want him. Trade him for an extra set of batteries.

And I, I find myself in this place with all these pretty lights. I think I'm gonna stay up and celebrate this jetlag holiday, too, and do it right here. I'm afraid I don't have any toddy, though. But I've got a jug of beer, martinis, red wine and a green bottle of shampooigne in my inventory. This is gonna be some holiday!